Welcome Class of 2028!
The school welcomed 150 students of the Class of 2028 in the annual White Coat Ceremony on Friday, August 16—eight of them are graduates of the Summer Enrichment Program (featured in this issue’s article “Steps to Success”).
A record high 58% of the incoming class are first generation college students with a 29% increase in Underrepresented in Medicine (UIM) students (Hispanic/ Latino, African American, and American Indian/Alaska Native) over last year, making this our most diverse class to date.

A record high 58% of the incoming class are first generation college students with a 29% increase in Underrepresented in Medicine (UIM) students (Hispanic/ Latino, African American, and American Indian/Alaska Native) over last year, making this our most diverse class to date.

With ages ranging from 19-43, the new DVM students come from a variety of backgrounds including: middle school teacher, flight attendant, wildlife ranger, dog groomer, real estate agent, EMT and Army veteran. They hail from South Africa, Hong Kong, Mexico, Taiwan and across the United States.
“Embrace what is uniquely you and go out into the world and make a difference.”
—Dean Mark Stetter
“Who knows what wonderful things your future will bring,” Stetter said. “I hope you will take the opportunity, not only over the next four years, but over the rest of your career to be curious and explore. Our program and our profession are built just for that—to try many different things, to embrace what is uniquely you and to go out into the world and make a difference. Congratulations, Class of 2028. We are excited to have you join us.”